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Page was last modified: 2022-06-27, 12:13
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Please Help This page needs visitor-supplied content. Visitors are asked to provide useful 'How to' content that relates to metal detecting in any way. Some ideas for content are: how to clean your finds, how to sell your finds, how to tell real jewelry from fakes, how to determine whether a site is legal to hunt, how to ask a property owner for permission to hunt, how to research a site's history, how to estimate the value of a coin and so.

If you share your knowledge with us, we'll share it here!

Submissions can be text, audio, video, or a combination of these formats. Please do not submit copyrighted, profane, or derogatory material. We reserve the right to refuse to use any submission. If a submission is too large for email (typically 20 MB), we can arrange other transfer methods. Please send submissions and questions to the Webmaster.